this coldroom compressor breakdown. so start the job.

change the service valve first.y?bc the previous low quality got corrusion,the flare nut cannot be use.

this is my first time blazing,thanks Foo Gee give me some advise :)

after that change the new compressor.n now,vacuum in progress! notice the top left, is a solenoid valve, i change that too,previous is a manual valve. but no work as pump down, just shut off if compress not run.

filling R22. estimate 5kg

the sightglass is clear! it full !

i change that high low control switch too.job done!.
ps. this compressor is MT32,bc is emergency case,i use back the same spec,no time to do research, it should use MT28.y? i refer the spec n found out the orifice n condenser is not large enough to handle this compressor(the liquid line very hot). the previous stupid technician think upgrade the compressor can upgrade the performance...damn..now it was not efficiency...